Friday, January 20, 2012

By Nature

In class we covered various topics such as Jack Thorne’s Hanoverand a film titled The Day of the Locus directed by John Schlesinger. We analyzed Jack Thorne's Hanover, a story about white southerners who forcefully placed themselves into political power by over taking the town of Wilmington and killing African-Americans to discourage them from voting. We dig further to understand how white southerners frame their actions in terms of their own victimization. I have learned and came to the conclusion that the main reason for their barbaric actions revolved around sex issues. White men were intimidated because black men had larger penises. This explains why they frequently accused black men of raping white women in hopes to deter both from engaging in inter racial sex. I found this amazing how all the bloodshed that occurred happened over a woman’s vagina. We also see a clip from a film titled The Day of the Locust, which takes place in Hollywood Los Angeles, CA.

The scene starts off very chaotic and loud with a massive crowd gathering in front of a big movie premier. We find Homer Simpson walking down the street in a zombie like fashion waiting to snap at any moment. By watching this scene, I can feel the emotional build up from the crowd and happy and angry emotions constantly going on and off. It was a very unstable environment to be in. Once Homer snapped and the crowd found out, all hell broke loss causing the crowd to snap as well and become blind of their violent actions which took place following Homer’s assault on the young girl who essentially started it all.

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